What Highschool is like in 2023

High school is a very tough time in many people’s lives. They are trying to navigate their way through the final years of school and plan for the future. This often causes people to miss out on really enjoying high school and finding meaning in it. Finding this joy and meaning is something that can really be lacking in high school students today. Whether it be a favorite class, a new passion, or even just finding people you enjoy, this should be an essential part of all high schooler’s lives. I have found meaning and happiness in learning about things I care about, history classes specifically have become my favorite during my time in high school. These have helped me discover my passion and even plan for what I will be studying in college. Doing this now has greatly improved my experience in high school and given me classes to really care about and look forward to. But on the opposite end, I feel least comfortable when I don’t know people in a class or a class on a subject I don’t enjoy, or struggle with, which can happen more often to students who don’t connect with a certain area of learning.  Many students seem too focused on just getting through the day and getting good grades. They don’t find this joy or passion, and many have uncomfortable feelings and a lack of direction or true passion. I am comfortable in classes I am better at or am more engaged in because I am more confident in my work and in discussions.  If I’m better at a subject I am more likely to participate and feel at ease which is why I feel better in these spaces, another key reason why realizing these passions is so important in providing an enjoyable and engaging high school experience. 
Custer County High School, Miles City

One thought on “What Highschool is like in 2023”

  1. I really enjoyed reading your paper! I think your love of history truly shines through your post and it’s evident that you not only care about this subject but also the idea of people finding their passions. One question I have is how did you find this passion? And one area I think you could polish is showing a bit more about your specific experience in history classes. Overall, great paper though!

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